Home » Serbia: EU plan for Kosovo creates win-win situation, says EU special envoy
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Serbia: EU plan for Kosovo creates win-win situation, says EU special envoy

There can be no agreement between Belgrade and Pristina if the Union of Serbs in Kosovo is not first established, EU special envoy Miroslav Lajčak told Serbian public television (RTS ).

Miroslav Lajčak today continues for a second day talks with the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic , with the aim of preparing the next high-level meeting on Kosovo to be held on March 18 in the city of Ahrida, North Macedonia.

The EU special envoy is in Serbia to inform the pro-European parties of the oppositionIn his interview for RTS, he pointed out that the European proposal was made to lead to the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and not to humiliate any side by seeking its capitulation.

“Our aim is to create a win-win situation so that the doors of Europe can be opened”, stressed Laiczak. The EU’s special envoy also met in Belgrade with the leaders of the pro-European opposition parties whom he informed about the European plan and pledged that in the future he would keep them informed of all developments in the process of resolving the Kosovo issue.

Source : iefimerida.gr
