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An Explosion Was Heard in Zaporozhye

In Zaporozhye today, July 29, there was an explosion. The cause of the explosion is not yet known.

It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to local Telegram channels.

At about 16:30, an air alert was announced in the Zaporozhye region. And already around 17.05, local Telegram channels began to report on the explosion that was heard in the city.

An explosion was heard in Zaporozhye

Representatives of local authorities did not comment on the information about the explosion.

The situation in Zaporozhye

Since Zaporozhye is only a few dozen kilometers from the front line and the occupied territories, it suffers from time to time from attacks by Russian ballistic missiles. The occupying troops usually use S-300 or Iskander missiles against peaceful Cossacks.

So, the day before yesterday, July 27, Zaporozhye also came under fire from the Russians. Then the head of the Zaporozhye OVA, Yuriy Malashko, did not disclose the details, but noted that there were no casualties.

Rocket strikes on Ukraine

The Russians continue their missile terror against peaceful Ukrainians. Just yesterday, the inhabitants of Dnipro fell under the attack of the occupiers . Russian Iskander missiles hit a high-rise building and the SBU building, which had not been used for a long time.

As a result of the Russian attack, 9 civilians were injured, including two teenagers.

And a few days earlier, Odessa was under attack . Then Russian missiles destroyed the Transfiguration Church and damaged dozens of houses in the historic center of the city.

Source : RBC.UA
