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Egypt Condemns Israeli Escalation Against Palestinians in Jenin

Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned on Monday the attack carried out by Israeli forces on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Monday morning, and the accompanying air bombardments and shootings against civilians, which resulted in 4 dead and 62 injuries so far.

The statement affirmed Egypt’s total rejection of this aggression, which is contrary to all provisions of international law and international legitimacy decisions, warning of the dangers of continued escalation against the Palestinian people. It noted that such attacks only inflame the situation and threaten to spiral out of control and undermine efforts to reduce tension in the occupied territories.

Israeli forces killed four Palestinians, including a minor, and wounded 62 others on Monday morning during the Israeli army’s storming of Jenin and its refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army confirmed the bombardment of the area by military helicopters, while Israeli media reported that the Israeli army started a new rescue operation to get its forces out of Jenin after they were ambushed.

The Israeli army confirmed that helicopter gunships shelled the Jenin area on Monday with missiles during a large raid in the Jenin refugee camp in the north of the occupied West Bank, and violent clashes broke out with Palestinian militants.

For his part, Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said that the continuous massacres committed by the occupation government against Palestinian people, the latest of which was in the city of Jenin and its camp, which resulted in the killing of four Palestinians, including a child, while 62 others were wounded, 10 of them in critical condition, are attempts to detonate the area and drag it to a vicious cycle of violence.

Source : Daily News
