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Iraq President Calls on UN to Alleviate Suffering of 600,000 IDPs

Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid yesterday called on the United Nations to support Iraq and help alleviate the suffering of 600,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) who live in harsh and complex conditions.

This came during a meeting with the Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the Regional Bureau for Arab States at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Abdallah Al-Dardari.

During the meeting, Rashid called for strengthening the existing relationship between Iraq and the United Nations through its specialised agencies, to resolve the problems related to the internally displaced persons and to promote the economy and development in the country.

He noted that no assistance has been provided to the IDPs on the ground, and called to end their file by returning them to their areas of residence.

For his part, Al-Dardari reiterated the UN’s commitment to taking care of the marshes and other files, stressing that his next visit will include a new vision that depends on implementation and achievement.

He also reiterated the United Nations’ support for Iraq in the areas of water management, training, studies, energy and boosting investment.

Source : MEMO
