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Japan Pledges Renewed Support for Palestinian Food Needs

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a vital and timely contribution of JPY 200 million (US$1.5 million) from the Government of Japan which will enable WFP to provide much-needed food assistance to the most vulnerable Palestinian families in Gaza.

Amid a severe funding shortfall, deteriorating humanitarian conditions, economic fragility, and surging prices of food commodities, this contribution will enable WFP to sustain the provision of nutritious in-kind food sustenance to 27,000 food-insecure Palestinians in Gaza for a period of three months. Each family will receive fortified wheat flour, pulses, vegetable oil and iodized salt, which are essential for families to prepare daily nourishing meals.

Mr. NAKASHIMA Yoich, H.E. Ambassador for Palestinian Affairs and Representative of Japan to Palestine, said: “This support embodies Japan’s commitment to continue its contribution to supporting Palestinian food security and its keenness on the future of the two-state solution.”

In the Gaza Strip, soaring unemployment and high poverty combined with movement and access restrictions impede people’s chances of bettering their lives and erode their purchasing power. Already exacerbated by the impact of the Ukraine crisis, more than 63% of Gaza’s population is food insecure, struggling to make ends meet. WFP food basket represents their sole means of providing meals for their families. This includes those furthest below the poverty line in Gaza. 

“Japan’s steadfast partnership has been instrumental in our mission to provide vital assistance to tens of thousands of struggling families every year,” said Samer Abdel Jaber, WFP Representative and Country Director to Palestine. “Especially during these challenging times where suffering is most acute, WFP food assistance remains a lifeline for vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Japan for their unwavering support for WFP during a sensitive era of funding shortfall.”

As we welcome contributions from the Government of Japan with profound appreciation, we are raising the alarm for the severe funding shortfall that persists to hinder WFP’s capacity to continue providing vital assistance to the most vulnerable families in Palestine. If no funding emerges, WFP operations in Palestine will be forced to halt by November this year. 

WFP continues to work with national partners and NGOs globally and in Palestine to help achieve Zero Hunger for vulnerable people affected by conflicts. This is possible only thanks to the support and contributions from governments, private companies and individuals. Having extended its steadfast support to WFP, making substantial contributions of around US$50 million over the past decade,Japan stands among WFP’s pivotal donors in Palestine and is one of the foremost contributors to the organization on a global scale.

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