Home » The Consequences of a Drone Strike on an Ammunition Depot Were Worked Out During CSTO Exercises
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The Consequences of a Drone Strike on an Ammunition Depot Were Worked Out During CSTO Exercises

A simulated fire that occurred at an ammunition depot as a result of a drone attack was eliminated as part of the CSTO Echelon-2023 exercises in  Belarus . This was reported in  the Telegram channel of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic.

“In the course of a special exercise with the forces and means of logistics of the CSTO troops “Echelon-2023”, an episode was worked out to eliminate a fire at an ammunition storage facility after an attack by an unmanned aerial vehicle,” the statement said.

The head of the Echelon-2023 exercise, Alexander Mosolov , noted that during the exercise, measures were also taken to receive the wounded and sick at the regional hospital in Brest.

The day before, the Ministry of Defense of Belarus reported that the military of the countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization worked on the task of preventing the breakthrough of an illegal armed group at the Barrier-2023 exercises taking place in Belarus.

On September 1, the opening ceremony of the CSTO joint operational-strategic exercises “Combat Brotherhood – 2023” took place in Brest . According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation , more than 2,500 military personnel and more than 500 pieces of weapons and equipment are involved in the event.

Before this, Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Mariusz Kamiński said that the exercises of the CSTO Joint Headquarters “Combat Brotherhood” are “an element of psychological warfare.”

Earlier, the DPRK conducted exercises simulating nuclear strikes on South Korea.

Source : gazeta
