Home » Three-day Weekend in the Oman Confirmed for September
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Three-day Weekend in the Oman Confirmed for September

In a recent announcement, Oman has declared a public holiday to commemorate the approaching anniversary of Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) birthday. The holiday will take place on Thursday, 12 Rabee Al Awal 1445 AH, corresponding to September 28, 2023.

The long weekend

The reason behind this upcoming holiday is the commemoration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. This religious holiday holds great significance for Muslims around the world, and it is marked by various celebrations and acts of kindness. The public holiday is set to fall on Friday, September 29.

This holiday has been announced for both public and private sector workers across the country. Employees of units within the State’s Administrative Apparatus and those working in various legal entities and private establishments are eligible for the holiday.

Employer flexibility

The Ministry of Labour has clarified that employers have the option to determine the necessity of engaging employees on this holiday, especially if it is vital due to the nature of their work. However, in such cases, employers are required to compensate the workers for their time on the holiday.

This decision aims to facilitate the observance of this important occasion and provide flexibility for workers in Oman‘s diverse labour landscape.

