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Unified National System for Skill Development Soon

In line with the objectives of Oman Vision 2040, the Ministry of Labour (MoL) is working to centralise talent development efforts across the public and private sectors. The strategic move aims to bridge the gap between educational qualifications and labour market requirements, thereby fortifying the nation’s human capital to meet the demands of an upcoming industrial shift.

Details of the initiative were unveiled at the two-day Capacity Building and Talent Management Conference, which commenced on Sunday at Grand Millennium Hotel. The conference, a collaborative venture between MoL and Al Assayel for Conferences Company, was inaugurated by Ibrahim bin Said al Busaidi, Governor of Musandam.

Featuring a panel of renowned experts and policy makers from diverse fields, including human resources, higher education and youth development, the conference will delve into the socio-economic ramifications of enhancing workforce skills and aptitude.

In his keynote address, H E Sayyid Salem bin Musallam al Busaidi, Undersecretary for Human Resource Development in MoL, spoke of Oman’s efforts in nurturing talent. “For nations vying for a place on the global stage, investing in talent isn’t just desirable, it’s a necessity,” he asserted. Highlighting the timely nature of the conference, he further remarked on the increasingly significant role of human capital in the modern era. Investing in human resources, he noted, brings benefits that far exceed initial expenses, paving the way for national and global progress.

Central to the Oman Vision 2040 objectives is the National Capacity-Building and Talent Management System. This digital platform will function as a hub, providing aptitude assessments, skill enhancement programmes and training modules.

Dr Zamzam bint Saif al Lamkiya, Director of National Capacity-Building and Talent Management System, pointed to the fragmentation of existing capacity-building and talent development programmes. While these yield positive results, the lack of a cohesive approach affects the long-term viability of these. “The objectives of Oman Vision 2040,” Zamzam elaborated, “include amalgamation of these diverse programmes, aiming for a unified national skill development system, aligning Oman’s HR endeavours with international benchmarks and enhancing our global competitive position.”

Emphasising the significance of effective talent management in today’s volatile business landscape, Zamzam highlighted its crucial role in charting any organisation’s trajectory. “Modern businesses rely heavily on robust talent management frameworks to steer their growth.”

Tailored to cater to Oman’s unique demands, the conference will shed light on global and regional benchmarks in talent nurturing. H E Busaidi expressed hope that the deliberations would set new standards, marrying educational qualifications with the needs of the labour sector and strengthening Oman’s human resources framework.

The conference will address various aspects of talent management, from foundational criteria to the influence of pre-university education in skill identification, all geared towards augmenting Oman’s global standing in talent and skill evolution in sync with the tenets of Oman Vision 2040.

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