Home » White House: US Does Not Encourage Strikes on Russian Territory
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White House: US Does Not Encourage Strikes on Russian Territory

US administration spokesman John Kirby said that Washington does not encourage strikes on Russian territory, TASS writes.

During the briefing, journalists asked Kirby if the White House was satisfied with Ukraine’s strikes on the territory of the Russian Federation. Kirby assured that the US does not encourage or facilitate Kyiv’s actions.

The White House spokesman declined to answer the question of whether the strikes on Russian territory are part of the UAF counteroffensive.

Ukraine on Friday struck at Taganrog in the Rostov region. 16 people were injured. Homes and an office building were damaged.

Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov called strikes on civilian targets a favorite practice of the Ukrainian authorities, Radiotochka NSN reports .

Source : HCH
